The National Society of Hispanic Physicists
Hola. And welcome to our website.
Though we have tried to anticipate your questions … we are much more than these few pages can contain.
Here you will find physicists, people passionate about the study of the universe, who are also familiar with the problems and challenges you may encounter as you begin to study physics or as you join the professional community of physicists.
As few other groups are able, we recognize how poorly the words Hispanic-American, Latina, Chicano, or any other such term can capture the diversity, richness, complexity, joy and sorrows of our gente (people).
And as no one else can, we can speak to our experiences — to why we study physics, some of the problems we encountered as we chose our future, and our difficulties and joys in being a physicist.
So … please visit our pages … learn what you can … then feel free to reach out to one of us.
We are eager to speak to students (of all levels) as they begin the study of physics; to their parents and families who may need to know more; to junior Hispanic faculty/researchers as they start their careers; and to more senior Hispanic faculty and scientists who have learned much and are willing to share their experiences. We are also eager to work with teachers, faculty and administrators as they move to include a group so sadly under-represented in physics and in all of higher education. A group that, yes, does face many challenges but also one that has so much promise.
A community of physicists who share a passion for physics and our cultures
Physics, like all of the sciences, is a very social process. We meet, we talk and argue, and we tell very nerdy physics jokes and stories. We come together to shop for ideas, discuss our results, listen to critiques, share our thoughts, touch bases with friends and colleagues.
Advocacy and diversity resources from other societies.
The primary communication within the community of the National Society of Hispanic Physicists is the Hispanic Physicist, an electronic newsletter that contains news, position announcements, notices of recogntion, and other information of particular interest to our membership.
The important thing to keep in mind is that an education in physics prepares you for much more than an academic or research career. The training you receive in computers, problem solving, appyling mathematics to situations, in experimental techniques, and in thinking logically and rigorously about the physical universe prepares you for virtually any career you choose. Many students do go on to pursure advanced degrees in physics, engineering or a related field but others pursue careers in very different areas.

The best reason to join is because this is something you want to do. Adding your voice to ours to make a strong and powerful voice for change.

The entire Board is willing to serve as your first contact to the community of the NSHP. We welcome your questions and comments.

NSHP thanks the many organizations that have offered encouragement and support over the years.