Conference on Enhancing Undergraduate Physics Programs at Hispanic Serving Institutions
Conference Report (AAPT, 2019)
Post Conference Talks(updated through 2020)
EUPP-HSI Schedule
EUPP-HSI Organizing Committee
EUPP-HSI Registration (only)
AAPT Winter 2018 Meeting
AAPT Registration
Against the backdrop of the joint meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists, representative faculty from Hispanics Serving Institutions (HSIs) will gather to discuss the challenges and opportunities of teaching physics at HSIs.
The goal of the EUPP-HSI conference will be to generate a “state of the discipline” of physics education at HSIs; to articulate the challenges and opportunities of physics education (and STEM education in general) at HSIs; and to develop a set of recommendations for physics departments, professional societies, and funding agencies with respect to educational pedagogy, resources, and professional development programs.
The primary structure of the conference will consist of small groups discussions as the conference participants engage in a series of fundamental questions addressing the design of both curricular and extra-curricular programs at their institutions in order to enhance the undergraduate educational experience of their students.
The impact of improving STEM education at HSIs is considerable. Though Hispanics Servings Institutions (HSIs) make less than 14 percent of non-profit colleges and universities, they enroll over 60 percent of all Hispanic students. And though there were 472 HSIs in 2015, there were also 323 additional emerging HSIs. The EUPP-HSI conference is being designed to help provide a better understanding of the needs and pathways to success of diverse STEM students in a multicultural, multi-racial environment.
Though the conference is intended for the faculty at HSIs or emerging HSIs, the conference is open to the physics community.
Registration Information
If you are attending the AAPT meeting then you can add the EUPP-HSI conference (as a Special Event) at the meeting Registration page.
Or if you are only attending the EUPP-HSI conference you can register for it only at the Conference registration page.