Rutgers University

Postdoctoral fellow

I would like to bring attention to an opening for a postdoctoral fellow in my group at Rutgers University in Camden, NJ (Philadelphia metro area).
This one-year position (with opportunity to apply for support for an additional year) will focus on projects in ‘mechanical ecology’ — applying a physical perspective to understand how organisms manipulate their bodies and environments to face challenges — and/or other soft-matter phenomena according to common interests with the applicant.

Find examples of our recent work:
Emergent mechanics of bird-nests (
Flow physics in fog capture (
Passive ventilation in termite mounds (
Underwater contact formation dynamics (
and more information from our website (

The ideal applicant would be:
-a mechanics-minded generalist with interests in some combination of physics of solids/fluids/grains/contact, transport phenomena, thermodynamics and optics
-resourceful and self-determined such as to thrive in a small research group with distributed focus
-inclined toward the design and rigorous characterization of custom instruments and table-top apparatus

Those interested should see details of the position and apply here:
Feel free to contact me ( for inquiries.

Hunter King
Asst. Prof.
Physics / CCIB
Rutgers University — Camden